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Sooo exhausted from work yesterday @_@ one of the sprinklers got hit and nearly flooded the whole back half of the store. It was such a pain to clean up and the water was filthy. I ended up leaving early because of some health issues and just how exhausting it was cleaning and still dealing with customers. Yes, they still opened the store. And yes, customers still tried to shop in the waterlogged aisles. I try not to think too much about it otherwise I'll give myself a headache.


I went to two farmer's markets with my mom this past sunday. One on the way to visit my Nana and one on the way back. We bought some corn, peaches and nectarines for my Nana and corn, tomatoes, green beans and garlic for us. I loooooove Jersey tomatoes, they can't be beat. And summer is the perfect time for corn on the cob. I was tempted to get some of their homemade peach cider as well, but I'd be the only one drinking it X^)


Biiiig storm coming! I had to reschedule my next tattoo ;_; I know I'll still get it but I was so looking forward to it this whole long week. aaaaaaaaa


Never would have guessed peaches and blue cheese would taste good together but here we are! Also man I really want to learn more about wicca but all my local events are geared more towards people who already know their stuff so that's got my anxiety spiking.


Friendship ended with spotify premium, now youtube music premium is my new best friend


Saw Twisters yesterday. It was pretty good! I also started using this shea butter hair spray in addition to my argan oil leave-in conditioner spray. It's only been two days and my curls are looking sooo healthy and the frizziness has gone down so much.


Got my period last night and I think it's giving me burnout/art block ._. Cobbled this page together somehow though! Will work on the color layout/side image later...